17 October, 2006


17th July 06 marked the beginning of not just any season of EPL, SPL, SERIE-A, LA-LIGA nor was it the television premiere of LOST (season 3), AMERICAN IDOL (season-god knows which one) or for that matter any cool movie on star movies/HBO (who knows, blackouts still knocking us out) . What actually began on Monday the 17th was SEASON-7 in fr.Angel penitentiary… how cool!!! Coz by the end of this season (tentative date 27/10/2006), we’ll actually be 7/8th of engineers!!! (Awooogaa!!).

But a season is never complete without its GRAND FINALE (generally a 1 or 2 hr episode on TV) and fr.AG (GAY) NEL’s specialty has always been its term ending PRELIMS. (ag-gaynelite may sound weird but Royal MECHIES (mechanical engineering students) would know it very well, I mean, c’mon 73 guys & only one babe in our class & looking at the babe’s build-quality, one always thinks whether to call her a babe or BABA. Hell! Even our top ranker goes by the name of DICK-SHEET…so u see where it is all coming from).

Now, PRELIMS are one hell of GRAND FINALE; let’s say penitentiary’s MAGNUM OPUS. The professors think that the students should be able to answer all the questions sprucely as they have been “taught” everything beforehand. Unfortunately for them (actually us), that ain’t case. Barring a pedantic few & worthless others, the main players of our class are not interested in attending these exams at all. The perennial question in our minds has always been, “after writing truck-loads of assignments & a million types of class tests during ‘PRACTICAL’ sessions, why the hell do we need PRELIMS for?”

And this has given birth to some really uber-cool characters in MECH-7. So to start with, there is guy called Mr.PPB who’ll always sit on the first bench (coz he is roll no.1) and end up writing some crap or the other and still clear the exam thanks to his good handwriting!!
Then there is this guy who goes by the name ANNA (not Kournikova you despots, anna…as in a typical south Indian guy) a.k.a “the jholer” who’ll bring not just chits but also formulae scribbled on his calculator & guess what…whatever he writes on them…everything comes in the exam…some charlatan he is!!

Next in line comes the terrific trio of Danny, Viru & Mr.Patil. These 3 are known to do a Houdini within an hour after exam starts. We wonder whether the tioka come just to collect the question paper & say ‘HELLO’ to the invigilator or to jot down some answers!!!
Moving on, there is another character called ‘ZZZZZZZZZZZ’ who’ll be seen showing his answers to ‘apachika’ but that dude ‘apachika’ never shows/tells anything to him. Silly boy ‘zzzzzzzz’ you are!! Plus, weird thing about ‘ZZZZZZZ’ is that he’ll sit for whole 3 hours and end up flunking while others sit for 1-2 hours(max) and end up…FLUNKING! (What a waste… no, not us but... that guy ‘zzzzzzz’).

Finally, let me write about us as well. Bilkulbakwas here will always turn up about 15 minutes late; keep on laughing like a mad man (traumatized i guess) for next 10 minutes after reading the questions; "psst" around asking for answers; scribble something on the answer sheet and after dozing for 10 odd minutes; hazard asking Mr. Strange for any 'valuable inputs'; get pissed off when Strange tells him to elaborate on 'dividing a raster into 9 parts'.... i mean what does he expect, by then he realizes his pet needs some pooja, he leaves the exam hall for a cup of chee and roadside snakes....(hail gujju!!)

As for me (peteboy), I’ll study something; won’t be able to reproduce anything and before the exam commences, annoy everyone around me by asking them everything. Besides that, my mates have always questioned my exam hall virginity: - my inability to cheat. I just can’t do it man! I try, the examiner scorns at me; I move my legs to squeeze in but only manages to bang it against the front bench just to wake up that professor who is about to doze off; I try to whisper; no one understands what I say. Tell me, how can I be a good engineer if I can’t cheat in the damn examination hall??? (Formulae & calculations who????).

That’s not all folks. Magnum opus n all is ok but piece-de-resistance of this Season 7 (and for previous seasons too) will always be the re-tests & the re-re-tests & the re-re-re-tests (sic). The above-mentioned players are there for these events too but at the end of every event, some drop off, one by one, until the Chosen One remains. No one knows how many of us would be Chosen Ones this season but esteemed personalities like Mr. “Aaaaaaaa-you-hush???”, “So-deep”, “Mamu” & co. have always been able to raise the bar (sem after sem) and even if you don’t respect their attitude, you have to salute their fortitude.

So, that is what you experience in this urbane educational institute of ours. Although it’s been a mundane thing for MECHIES, other departments spare their kids, as they do not find later half of the extravaganza germane enough. Hell! Maybe our department has lost its humane touch.


15 October, 2006




A wise ass (my home boy Z) once told me that blogs are for depressed, low life fucks who have no friends…. so although we have a neat posse peteboy and me (bakwas) decided to have this blog… just for spoils man.

Umm peteboy and me are from this hole somewhere in Navi Mumbai, if you’d want to hazard a visit you could come by during conjugal hours and do us, in the ass of course that’s where we all take it...

Our add:
110, McBridge,
Ist Tier,
Angel (or is that Angle) State Penitentiary

What we are supposed to be is BE (Mechanical) students from the all so amazing, Centre One bearing VAAAAAASSSHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE thoo.

I’ve known peteboy since like the II nd semester (or was it third) basically I’ve not known him for ever, but as far as I can recall I remember chatting up about football in those Ka-shir infested drawing halls (ka-shir is a virus that causes 40 marks in engineering and machine drawing)…
Since then it was the two of us lukkhas (rif-rafs) who really balanced all the Dickshit and this dude who’d really give joe black (actually any black….i don’t mean to offend any African-American!!!) a run for their money, let alone brains. We were B1 buds man. We exhaustively and extensively utilized precious practical hours (why don’t they call it tutorials…when we hardly do any practical work) talking about how great our favorite clubs (Man Utd and Real Madrid respectively) are and who’d feature in our dream teams…. Freaking (I promised I’d eschew bad language!!) shit 20 years old and we pretend to be Sir Alex and ***** (see the thing is Real have had too many managers…. So I leave it to your imagination) and chalk up transfer plans….mind you, we made wholesome deals man…with the exchanges and the prices.... the works….don’t get judgmental and all, lets see you study at frcrit ( see we study at a place that even sounds like we’re being ripped off!!) and not go mental!! Anyway come IV year and we got bichdofied (thanks to me opting for industrial robotics)!!!
I forced peteboy into sending me his jokes every once in a while, but fun don’t come free now do they…he came up with this ass wipe deal of sharing a blog…TIT for tat huh bitch!!

Both of us like writing (I write horse shit) and peteboy keeps it simple, he writes regular crap…so we thought we’d let you low-lifes get a feel for how shitty we are…so here it goes!!


Well, whatever bakwas mentioned above is all true!! 2nd semester was when we were shifted in same class...the class of MECHANICAL engineers (khikhikhi)..i mean..engineers!!..us?? man.. that’s funny!!

But it was those amazing Nanaji’s machine drawing pracs where we plotted & drew our respective starting line-ups for our favorite clubs. And the story doesn’t end there…there were these amazing workshop practicals where football was discussed rather than the work-piece… & then there was our respective “DREAM-TEAM” and what not.

These days it’s all about movies… passing comments on chits while the professor is busy teaching right in front of us. (people who don’t know how to pass chits around can contact us for we do have some training programs for you already chalked up…50 bucks a chit-trick {or a cheap-trick}).

Anyways... ahh…the blog... that is what we are working on now…thinking of new ways to bore people/entertain people...i mean...how long will you perverts surf the net for porn?? I know u ass-clowns logged on to this blog thinking, “itsallaboutqualitycrap eh...must be some nude pics n all” I know…we…know…but... HELL NO!....

So…now we are set to consummate your brains (still thinking vulgar aren’t ya)... some wise-ass did quote this:

“When the slogging becomes clogging…its time to do some blogging”